How Well Do You Know the Diamond Spirit Series?

My quiz is about knowing about the Diamond Spirit series because they are great books with great stories.

My quiz is about knowing off by heart the Diamond Spirit series because they are great books with great stories.

Created by: Diamond Spirit
  1. What is Luke to Jess?
  2. Who is the Author?
  3. What town do they all live in?
  4. What is book 4
  5. What is a moonstone supposed to do?
  6. Who saw her father back up to the hotse float then load her two horses?
  7. Who is Mrs Arnold?
  8. Why did Hrace and Jess climb a tree out side the pub in "Brunmby Mountain"
  9. How long did Jess wait to take opal home?
  10. How did Diamomd die?
  11. Do you have a horse (this does not affect your score)?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know the Diamond Spirit Series?