How well do you know The Cat in the Hat movie (very hard)?

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A movie of considerably many's childhood, The Cat in The Hat is a fantasy comedy movie about two kids a cat and a dog. How well do you remember this classic family movie?

Find out in this quiz, there are over 36 questions but they're all really short, quick. Answers are not long either. It's literally my favorite childhood movie after Shrek.

Created by: humanbeing
  1. What does Conrad stuff down his pants
  2. What does Mom (joan) tell sally?
  3. what does conrad score on the machine with the plunger that checks your personality
  4. what does sally score
  5. what are conrad and sally first doing before they meet the cat but after the babysitter puts on the news channel?
  6. What is the name of the babysitter
  7. What does the babysitter put on the tv?
  8. Is the babysitter awake or sleeping for most of the movie
  9. The crate is kept close by a lock what does it look like?
  10. What first comes out of the crate?
  11. during what; when does the cat cut off his tail
  12. What are the names for thing 2
  13. What do the things always do?
  14. How does moms dress get ruined?
  15. what does the cat say when conrad and sally get upset about moms ruined dress
  16. When conrad messes with the lock on the crate, what happens to the lock
  17. What is the name of the dog
  18. What is Larry's other name
  19. What is larry's last name
  20. What is Larry allergic to
  21. What is the name of the military school?
  22. Where does the dog runaway to first after conrad messes with the lock?
  23. what does the cat say "I love you baby" to?
  24. After conrad messes with lock who finds the dog first?
  25. What does the cat dress up as to trick larry in the town
  26. What does the cat petition for when he tricks larry
  27. What food does the dog pee on?
  28. What does the dog try to eat when the mom comes home and cleans up the mess made by conrad?
  29. Who is Kate?
  30. Is Kate a man or a woman
  31. What do the things do to the babysitter when the lock goes missing
  32. Who are the "magical time traveling elves"
  33. What does the cat fight when he fixes the couch?
  34. What is the name of the cats car
  35. what song plays when the cat and the things clean the house
  36. Who was actually the narrator

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Quiz topic: How well do I know The Cat in the Hat movie (very hard)?

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