How Well Do You Know The Backstreet Boys?

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The Backstreet Boys are one of the most well-known and popular boy bands of all time. From winning young girls' hearts to #1 hits on the Billboard, their fame has yet to wane.

Lucky for us! The Backstreet Boys have always been there through good times and heartbreak. The question is; Do you really know them, or are they just another boy band?

Created by: Jayfeather310
  1. Which figure listed below was NOT a part of Backstreet Boys?
  2. The Backstreet Boys released their first album in...
  3. This album, released in 1999, featured one of Backstreet Boy's most popular songs, “Larger than Life.”
  4. The Backstreet Boys were missing one of their members in this album released in 2007...
  5. This member of the Backstreet Boys once modeled for Versace...
  6. Where was the Backstreet Boys' first performance?
  7. This member of the Backstreet Boys was an extra in “Edward Scissorhands,” a Tim Burton film...
  8. The Backstreet Boys conjoined with this music group in 2010, forming a pop supergroup...
  9. The Backstreet Boys' name was actually inspired by a...
  10. This member of Backstreet Boy's son also pursued a career in music...
  11. The most expensive music video produced for the Backstreet Boys was...
  12. This BSB hit peaked at #1 on the Billboard in 1999...

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know The Backstreet Boys?
