How well do you know the Apples?

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This is a quiz about Applejack Cranberry and Juice. Take it very very very seriously or the apples will be haunting you for life! Keep up good scores and answer ALL questions!

Honesty is the best policy - ApplejackAnswer all questions honestly or Applejack will haunt you for life! Do you want that to happen? Even in your dreams?

Created by: Hannah
  1. Who is the youngest?
  2. How old are they?
  3. Do they all have the same colour hair?
  4. Who are their parents?
  5. Do they love each other
  6. Who wears bottoms?
  7. What is their house number?
  8. Does Applejack eat junk food at night?
  9. Is Cranberry's favourite food is cherrys?
  10. Who had a nervous breakdown?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Apples?
