How Well Do You Know Sugarland???

There are many smart people in this world and I believe that Jennifer Nettles and Kristian Bush are two of them. Sugarland is made up of two INCREDIBLE human beings.

Talent is one thing, but giving up your family an the ones you LOVE to saticfy the Roaring fans that LOVE, NOT ONLY what you do, but YOU YOURSELF, for who you REALLY are!!!!

Created by: Katelyn C

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. In What Year Did Sugarland Win a Grammy For There Song "Stay"?
  2. Jennifer Nettles was married to Tod Van Sickle before Marrying her current husband Justin Miller in 2011. How long was Jennifer Married to Tod Van Sickle
  3. Sugarland is now a duo consisting of Jennifer Nettles and Kristian Bush. Originally there was a third member of Sugarland, what was his/her name?
  4. Jennifer Nettles' current husband, Just nMiller played in what Sugarland music video BEFORE she was divorced?
  5. True or False? Jennifer Nettles and Kristian Bush are BOTH from Atlanta, Georgia
  6. What was Sugarland's 3rd album?
  7. What was Sugarland's FIRST Hit?
  8. Who are the Southern Belles?
  9. In what Music Video Does Jennifer Nettles wear a spandex suit
  10. True or False? Kristian and Jennifer have always known each other, just not always played music together?
  11. Does Jennifer Nettles Play the flute, piano, trumpet, guitar and the violin?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Sugarland???