How well do you know Shane Dawson

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So many people think they know Shane Dawson but this test is going to put you to the test to really find out. I really do hope you enjoy and please do share it with others.

Facts about Shane Dawson. When shane was younger his dad abused him and his brother. Shane would he his feelings out but now he looks way better and I am really proud of him.

Created by: pitbull77
  1. What gender is he
  2. How old is he. (2015)
  3. Facial Hair?
  4. Does he have a girlfriend. (August 7, 2015)
  5. How Many channels does he have
  6. What's his mom's name
  7. Who's his black friend
  8. What relationship gender is he into
  9. When did Shane first start youtube
  10. Did Shane change
  11. How many songs did Shane right himself. (Not Parody)
  12. Finish the lyrics I'm running out of time if I had super powers I'd save the world and you would be mine mine. Feel in the blank
  13. What was that last songs lyrics name. It's by Shane Dawson
  14. Did Shane Dawson make a movie
  15. Is he in a movie
  16. What's his brothers name
  17. What's his full name

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Shane Dawson