How Well Do You Know PB? Basics.

You think that you know Ponybox, huh? Don't you? Or if you don't... Find out how well you know Ponybox with this quiz! Put your Ponybox knowledge to the test!

So do you think you are a professional Ponyboxer? I bet you really want to find out! I know I would... Well take this test to see if you know the basics. :)

Created by: lauren

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the correct name for the item that picks up any item that you missed?
  2. What is a super horse?
  3. You have recently opened your training. You have level one training and a daily training fee of 1. Nobody is linking to your training. What is the most likely reason for this?
  4. From the options below; who is the most known for superhorses?
  5. From the options below; who is the most known for making animated icons?
  6. Who created Ponybox?
  7. What are the forums for?
  8. what does a Show License let you do?
  9. You post a discussion about selling items. After 5 minutes nobody replies. You post saying,"Please! I know your looking!" 3 minutes later it is reported. Why was it most likely reported?
  10. You post 3 discussions about the same thing. The posts are later reported. Why?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know PB? Basics.