How well do you know our solar system?

Are you a space geek like me? Let's see.There are many space geeks but do you have what is takes to be up there with the best.Let's give your skills to the test.

Space moon planet star Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars astroid belt Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Solar system comet astroid falling star consellations

Created by: Moonblade

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the hottest planet in our solar system?
  2. How much water covers Earth?
  3. What is the biggest crater on Mercury?
  4. How many moons does Venus have?
  5. Does Venus have rings?
  6. Pluto is a.....
  7. Neptune orbits the Sun in.....
  8. When was the last appearance of Halley's comet?
  9. What is our closest Star other than the Sun?
  10. Mars is called what

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Quiz topic: How well do I know our solar system?