How Well Do You Know MLP?

There are many bronies in this world. What is a brony? WHAT IS A BRONY YOU ASK!!! HOW DARE YOU! SEARCH IT UP IN THE URBAN DICTIONARY! I am one of the BEST bronies!

Take this quiz if you are a true brony! It is very simple. I ask a few things about some of the episodes, and you choose the best answer. LET'S DO THIS THING!

Created by: amazon
  1. What does MLP stand for?
  2. What is Applejack's Element of Harmony?
  3. What is Rainbow Dash's Element of Harmony?
  4. What is Fluttershy's cutiemark?
  5. Who competed with Pinkie Pie to host Rainbow Dash's birthday party?
  6. Who did Rainbow Dash compete with to get in the Equestria Games?
  7. Who did the Apple family go up against to save the apple farm because of apple cider?
  8. Who was Nightmare Moon?
  9. Who is Discord?
  10. How many princess are there in equestria?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know MLP?