How Well Do You Know Minecraft?

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Hello! You want to test your Minecraft knowledge! Well you came to the right place, Just answer 14 questions, click enter and see your Minecraft knowledge.

I Do plan on Making a Part 2,3 and maybe 4. So you can wait till then to get a **/400 answer. To get that just add up the percentages and that out of 400 is your Minecraft knowledge. However I might not make part 1,2 and 3,4.

Created by: Minecraft
  1. What is a vex?
  2. How is the ghast sound made?
  3. What is the max block height limit?
  4. A sponge works
  5. With update were foxes introduced.
  6. Witch of these is a mob.
  7. Were do Witch huts spawn?
  8. Do Parrots have a baby variant {1.13}
  9. Are Pigs Rideable?
  10. Is 4 Redstone ticks 8 game ticks?
  11. What is the end?
  12. With of these is a redstone feature/block.
  13. Witch of these can be used in redstone contraptions.
  14. Witch exists {1.14 snapshots}

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Minecraft?
