How Well Do You Know MINECRAFT?

Minecraft is a very popular game, made by a very popular company. But, how much do you really know about this crazy cool blocky game! Take this quiz and you might just find out!

From tall mobs, to short mobs, money to monsters, and much much more, this quiz has got all the simple (Sort of..) Minecraft questions to offer! Good luck!

Created by: Chappy
  1. When was Minecraft created, and who created it?
  2. Which mob was created on accident?
  3. Which company used to own Minecraft, and who owns it now?
  4. How much did Microsoft sell Minecraft for?
  5. What are the bosses in Minecraft?
  6. Who is the tallest mob (excluding the bosses) in the game?
  7. What are the 2 smallest mobs in the game?
  8. What is the one fish in the game that can poison you?
  9. What was the first ever Minecraft creepypasta made?
  10. FINAL QUESTION: How many hearts does the Enderdragon have? (NO CHEATING!)

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know MINECRAFT?