How Well Do You Know Melanie Martinez

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You think you know Melanie Martinez? Well take this quiz. Are a true crybaby? Well let's find out! So you really think you are a fan or you just like Mel?

But their are many do you have the knowledge to pass this quiz? Do you know everything about Melanie Martinez? In a few you'll really find out! ~~~~~~~•~~~~`~~~~~~•~~~~~~`~~~~~~• Are you Christian please listen the rapture is coming soon God is calling! ARE YOU READY!!!

Created by: lizzie
  1. Have you read the introduction? (P. S it's important!!!)
  2. Which song was the hardest song for Melanie Martinez to write?
  3. What song did Melanie write first?
  4. Which songs were based on Mel's life?
  5. What season was Mel born in?
  6. What's the name of the person that makes the crybaby story book art?
  7. What month was Mel born on?
  8. What's Mel's natural hair color?
  9. What colors did Mel dye her hair?
  10. What inspired Melanie to die her hair?
  11. Who was it?
  12. Who is crybaby based on?
  13. Was Melanie bullied in high school?
  14. For what?
  15. And?
  16. At what age did she die her hair?
  17. Why was Melanie made fun of at schools and as her singing career?
  18. What year did Melanie enter a talent show?
  19. What TV show was it ?
  20. What did Mel like as a kid?
  21. What's Melanie's Fashion style?
  22. What movie inspired the flood scene in crybaby?
  23. Do you know her?
  24. Are you a fan?
  25. How does she describes her singing voice?
  26. Are you Christian?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Melanie Martinez