How well do you know me?

Hi guys! Now, you may have taken a few of my quizzes before and they probably weren't very good because I was just experimenting. I hope you are excited to take my quiz.

you don't need to read this. If you have read this far you know that you have broken the rules. You are now officially in trouble. You are in hot waters. Swigged armrests.

Created by: Coco love 227
  1. What color is my hair?
  2. What is my best friend's name
  3. What is my favorite song?
  4. What is my favorite color combo?
  5. What book/movie am I obsessed with?
  6. What Hogwarts house am I in?
  7. What is my favorite animal combo?
  8. Who is my favorite Youtuber
  9. What color are my eyes
  10. Where do I sleep?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?