How well do you know me?

This quiz will prove if you know me well! Or if your stalking me. But anyway, surely, no one will know every piece of info about me! So take this quiz and prove it!

Do YOU know me well? In a few minutes you'll see! You might score high or low, you can't win 'em all! Take this quiz to see if you know me well? Don't cheat though!

Created by: AmatheystShine
  1. What's my name?
  2. What's my official thread called?
  3. How old am I? My B-day is coming in a couple days.
  4. What's my fave color?
  5. Where do I live?
  6. Where am I going for vacation? (Today)
  7. Where am I going for vacation? (In a couple days)
  8. Am I excited?
  9. Will you rate and comment?
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?