How Well Do You Know *Me*???

Did you know that I barely like chocolate, I hate Mcdonalds and I want to try out for American Idol!!!Only some of my truest friends know these things are you one of those friends???

How well do you know me... do you think you're someone who knows a lil a barely anything about me... do you think you know all the things that only a true friend would know...Well you're about to find out after you take me lil quiz!!!

Created by: Lexi
  1. Whose my favorite music group???
  2. Whats my favorite song in the whole wide world???
  3. Which one is my favorite???
  4. Where am I from???
  5. Whose been one of my best friends longer???
  6. What is my ethnicity??
  7. How many siblings do I have???
  8. What do I lyk to do???
  9. Which is my favorite to watch???
  10. Who did I spend my New Year's with???

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know *Me*???