How well do you know me?

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I've made this kind of quiz before. But this one is slightly different. I hope you like it. And of course, take my other quizzes. Bye-bye... (I'm in middle school yet I say bye-bye, like, all the time...)

Friend or foe, Find out how much you know, About me that is, Don't you think that this is bliss? I hope you have fun, Maybe you'll want to run, Now I bid you, Adieu.

Created by: love54

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What's my favorite color?
  2. Do I like dragons?
  3. How old am I?
  4. Do I like to read?
  5. Which one, from the following, is a code I live by?
  6. What is my favorite anime?
  7. On a scale from 1 to 5, 1 meaning not so much, how much do I like working?
  8. Red Velvet or strawberry cake?
  9. I love to try and make my own things... (Ex. Lotion, nail polish, perfume, etc) Though I usually fail.
  10. My lucky number?
  11. Which of the following language can I speak?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?