How well do you know Louis Tomlinson?

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Louis Tomlinson is part of the boy band One Direction. He auditioned for the X-Factor, first audition was in 2009. But he auditioned for it in 2011 and won in the boy group One Direction.

There are many Directioners out there, but are you one of them who knows about Louis Tomlinson? The cute, talented and adorable lad? Well, take this quiz and find out!

Created by: Sarah2000

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When was Louis born?
  2. He is known as...
  3. What instrument does he play?
  4. How tall is he?
  5. He had a pet dog called...
  6. How many sisters does he have?
  7. If he wasn't a singer, he would be a...
  8. What is his full birth name?
  9. His trademark outfit is...
  10. Who is evil and jealous of Louis' talent?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Louis Tomlinson?