How well do you know Linda?

The reason why i have made this quiz its that i want to see how well you all know. Some of the people who think they know me really well but they dont.

I hope you all can take my quiz and support me to this i have worked really hard to make this for each and everyone of you guys and i want to see who know me reallt well.

Created by: Linda
  1. Who is my favorite singer?
  2. What is my two favorite sports to play?
  3. Who is my favorite disney character?
  4. What is my two favorite movies to watch?
  5. What state was i born at?
  6. What is my favorite holiday?
  7. Who would i like to meet?
  8. What will i do at a club?
  9. When is my birthday?
  10. What is my favorite kind of music?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Linda?