How well do you know Lily Allen lyrics?

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Hey, I made this quiz because I LOVE Lily Allen's music! I hope you do, too. Nobody I know listens to her music, so please rate and comment and tell me what you think! Photo courtesy of Yahoo image search.

Do you think you know Lily Allen's lyrics? DO YOU? If you do, take this quiz. If not, take this quiz anyway! DON'T FORGET TO RATE AND COMMENT! Photo courtesy of Yahoo image search.

Created by: Christs Child

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. I wouldn't change you for the world...
  2. This is not just a song...
  3. Alright, how would it make you feel...
  4. Life's about film stars...
  5. I'll look at the sun...
  6. But how can we start to tackle the problem...
  7. You say it's not okay to be...
  8. You're just some racist who can't tie my laces...
  9. Little do you know...
  10. Ever since He can remember...
  11. I cannot bear...
  12. ok so how did you like my quiz

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Lily Allen lyrics?