How well do you know jumanji

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Welcome to this quiz! This quiz is about how well you know jumanji! Hop fully you know most things about jumanji! You might end up with a bad score if you dont know much about jumanji.

Hopefully you get the best score, because if you dont, you might wanna watch most of the movie, or all of the movie to get to pass this class good luck!

Created by: Abigail Chirch
  1. Who does Spencer Turn into when they get sucked into the game
  2. Who does fridge turn into
  3. Who does Martha turn into
  4. Who does Bethany turn into
  5. Who is the first player to die when they get into jumanji
  6. Who drops the jewel in the helicopter
  7. Who has a crush on martha
  8. Who has a crush on Spencer
  9. Who helps the crew get away from the bad guys
  10. Did you like this quiz (do it was very good because this counts as a question)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know jumanji
