How well do you know jacksepticeye?

There are many fans of old' Jackie boy, but few know all his info. Are you one of those people? Take this quiz on jacksepticeye to find out if you're a real fan!

Are you one of those people who stalk jack, who know his every move? I know I am, but what is the real question, you ask? Are YOU a real fan??????????

Created by: MaggieBecca

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. First of all, what is jacksepticeye's real name?
  2. What is his catch phrase?
  3. Where does he live?
  4. Is he a boy or a girl?
  5. Does he swear?
  6. What is his personality?
  7. How old is he right now? (2015)
  8. When is his birthday?
  9. What year was he born?
  10. What is his intro?
  11. What is his intro?
  12. What is his outro?
  13. If you liked this quiz, punch that like button in the face! Bye! (question: Does he have a girlfriend?)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know jacksepticeye?