How well do you know Harry Potter!

there are billions of Harry Potter fans all over the world, but only a few thousand are true fans. like myself! this quiz may be a bit hard so if you don't know your Harry Potter all that well stay back!

Are you a true Harry Potter fan? like me? well if you are hurry up and take the quiz and stop reading!@well take this quiz ( made by a harry potter expert) and you'll find out soon enough!

Created by: Charlie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. who is the actor who plays Harry Potter?
  2. what are all the house's names?
  3. is 'wingardium leviosar' the first spell they porfrom in the first movie? True or False?
  4. what was the latest Harry Potter movie released?
  5. who dose Harry have a crush on in the 4 movie?
  6. What are Harry Potters parents names?
  7. what dose Harry discover at the end of the 5 movie?
  8. in which movie dose Sirius Black die?
  9. what is the second last Harry Potter book called?
  10. what is the griffins name in the 3rd movie?
  11. what is the bus's name in the 3rd movie?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Harry Potter!