How well do you know fit for rivals

Many people know fit for rivals but they dont know how much they know about them this quiz will help you see how much you know about fit for rivals sit back and enjoy the quiz.

Well I pretty much wrote every thing about this quiz so good bye now enjoy now please comment and or rate this quiz and thank you bye bye !!! Thank you

Created by: Avenger16
  1. Is the lead singer for fit for rivals a boy or a girl
  2. What is the lead singers first name
  3. What kind of music do they have
  4. What of the following is not one of thier songs
  5. How many members are there
  6. How many boys are there
  7. Will u coment
  8. So uhh how many music videos do they have
  9. Do u like fit for rivals
  10. Wht color is tje lead singers hair

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Quiz topic: How well do I know fit for rivals