How Well Do You Know Family Guy???

Ok so this is a quiz about how well you know family guy (me: obviously!)... dont worry if you dont get them all, just try again. let's see how you go!!! love you all!

ok so you probs wont read any of this soooo... whats your name?do you like me? im so stupid for typing this but i cant have any gibberish so im doing this crap okies BYE!!!

Created by: emma
  1. What Is the name of Peter's favourite beer?
  2. When Peter and Brian visit the beer factory, what is the name of the Oompa Loompa type creatures?
  3. What is the name of Death's crush?
  4. Who does Stewie beat with a rubber chicken?
  5. Which character does Quagmire like to prev on?
  6. What is the origin of Mayor Adam West's name?
  7. What is the name of the paedophile down the street?
  8. What is the name of his dog?
  9. What is his answer when Christ asks him "Are you a Pedophile?"
  10. When did Brian finnish his novel?
  11. What is Quagmire's first name?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Family Guy???