How well do you know dragons

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This is a small knowledge testy thing for you to find out how much you know about dragons for some reason if you want to know that I dont know why you want to know that but I dont really care why you want to know it

I know you might not like it but remember I spent slot of time on this and if you dont like it BE MORE GRATEFUL Id your bored you can do this and boom your not bored you could also be amused by me pretending to yell at you to be more grateful

Created by: Mirapuppy
  1. Were dragons myths or believed to be real
  2. When were dragons told to be alive
  3. Are dragons reptiles
  4. Were dragons told to be evil or good
  5. Are dragons told NOW to be evil or good
  6. Whats was the name of the biggest battle of dragons
  7. Is a dragon the most powerful mythical creature
  8. What place were dragons came up of
  9. Do all dragons breath fire
  10. Were dragons with the dinosaurs

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Quiz topic: How well do I know dragons

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