how well do you know disney theme songs

Come on down to see if you can outsmart your friend challenge your friends to see if you can score higher than them! But just to warn you this can be tricky for some people. Study first!

Now Do you Know you theme songs?..??????? Let's just see about that! They can be tricky for some people! Now just ask yourself... An you beat it!????!!

Created by: Grace
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. "When the croud wants more I bring on the thunder!"
  2. "My whole world is changing, turning around."
  3. "When you say yeah! And I say no. When you say stop all I wanna do is go, go , go!"
  4. "1,2.3.4 Who's that knocking at my door? 5,6,7,8 Hurry up and don't be late! 9,10,11,12 got a secret I can't tell!"
  5. OK now we are going to go to Disney movies are you ready?
  6. Let the music take u anywhere you want to. Feel the beat and just let go!
  7. We Just ride, ride,ride, all day were not gonna live any other way!
  8. Your the voice I hear inside my head the reason that I'm singing I need to find you, I gotta find u
  9. I'm stuck in you're head I'm back from the dead got u runnin scared I'm fearless!
  10. Oh! This is who I am! I wish you'd understand I hope u always be my gardien angle!
  11. Let it go let it go! Cant hold it back anymore!

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Quiz topic: How well do I know disney theme songs