How Well Do You Know Disney Descendance?

My opinion is descendance is an amazing movie! That'S why I created this quiz! I hope you like the movie as much as I do! Please comment when finished with the quiz! I think the last question can go against your score because my quiz is one answer! So on the last question pick the see ya answer!

Are you a genious mastermind? Do you have the brain power to be a genios mastermind! If you think you are a genious at this quiz your about to find out? Congrats if you are! If you aren'T its okay no one is perfecct?

Created by: sky
  1. What was Prince Ben's girlfriend's name in the BEGINNING OF THE MOVIE?!
  2. What was carlos running from on the field in the kill zone?
  3. What was mals modoe?
  4. What did mal need for the love spell cookies?
  5. What did mal sing at the picnic?
  6. What did mal say at the end?
  7. What is corrola de vils sons name?
  8. What color hair did mal have?
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Thanks for taking this quiz! Bye.

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Disney Descendance?