How well do you know Dance Central 2?

There are a lot of games and a lot of people in this world. Which is your favorite game? Perhaps it is a game called Dance Central 2. WARNING:to pass this quiz you must know about Dance Central and Dance Central 2.

Are you a Dance Central and Dance Central 2 fanatic? How often do you play it? Do you like, love, or absolutely adore it? In a few minutes you will find out.

Created by: melinaa
  1. Which one of these songs are not on Dance Central 2?
  2. Which one of these songs are on Dance Central 2?
  3. Is there a workout mode on Dance Central 2?
  4. Which one of these songs are on Dance Central 2?
  5. Which one of these people was on Dance Central, but not Dance Central 2?
  6. Which one of these people liked to exercise a lot on both Dance Central and Dance Central 2?
  7. Which one of these people was not on Dance Central,but on Dance Central 2?
  8. Are there background dancers on Dance Central 2?
  9. Does Dance Central 2 have two player, which means two people stand in front of the television and dance at the same time?
  10. Is lil T the only kid on Dance Central 2?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Dance Central 2?