How Well Do YOU Know Club Penguin?

There are many, MANY players of Club Penguin. Tens of millions of players log on every day, waddling all over the island. Some are newbies, with few clothes. Some are rare, with amazingly old pins and backgrounds. Some are nonmembers, wearing free items. Others are members, with extensive wardrobes. All of them merge together to form the world they know- Club Penguin.

But are all penguins educated about their home's history? Do all of them know about the secrets and exclusives? This quiz will help you find out! In a few minutes, you could test your Club Penguin smarts and see how well YOU know Club Penguin!

Created by: Peg

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What was the first, earliest development of Club Penguin?
  2. What was the second development of Club Penguin?
  3. What date was Club Penguin officially released to the public? (if you've ever attended an Anniversary Party, you should know this!)
  4. For how much money did Disney buy Club Penguin?
  5. What was the FIRST pin ever released to Club Penguin?
  6. How often are pins released?
  7. What is the most popular room in Club Penguin?
  8. On Club Penguin, there are penguins you can meet and get autographs from. Who are these penguins?
  9. What was the first play ever released to the Stage?
  10. Which play(s) won the 1st annual Penguin Play Awards in 2009?
  11. Which emoticon(s) were removed in 2009 because players found them "offensive?"
  12. What items can non-members get?
  13. When and where were yellow puffles discovered?
  14. What are the "special access" rooms on Club Penguin that only special penguins can visit
  15. What is Coins for Change?
  16. Who is Billybob?
  17. In which room can a penguin roll down a cart at breakneck speed?
  18. When was the whole concept of ninjas and Card-Jitsu introduced, and who introduced it?
  19. What is the name of the free newspaper and how often does it come out?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Club Penguin?