How well do you know Club Penguin?

Club Penguin is a game that you can play on your computer.You can socialize with other penguins,and you can decorate your house which in Club Penguin is called your igloo.As you play Club Penguin,you will get to know more about it.

Lots of people know a lot about Club Penguin,but are you one of those smart people?Do you struggle with Club Penguin?Do you sometimes struggle and sometimes just play?Do you just walk aroun so you do not get frustrated?Or are you a master and know everything about Club Penguin? If you want to know how well you know Club Penguin,then take this quiz!

Created by: Charlotte Roth
  1. What does the M stand for on the report symbol?
  2. What is the longest membership you can buy?
  3. Who sings in the Club Penguin band?
  4. When does Club Penguin have a party?
  5. Where is the tour guide booth?
  6. Who is the director?
  7. Who is the EPF Faculty most aware of?
  8. Where can you find old copies of The Club Penguin Times?
  9. How do you get banned?
  10. How well do you think you know Club Penguin?(you will not get any points in this question)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Club Penguin?