How well do you know cats

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Here’s a test on how well you know cats! There will be 10 questions. Pick what you think is the right answer to each question. The questions are a little random. But hope you enjoy!

Btw my cats say hi and also good luck (they’re kinda judgmental though) play this with your cat! Maybe they can give you some tips! Thanks so much for taking my quiz! Enjoy!

Created by: Charlotte the calico
  1. What is a tabby
  2. What is it called when you take a kitten away from his mothers milk
  3. Siamese cats are known to have…
  4. the most common eye color of cats is
  5. A male calico cat is not able to breed
  6. A _______ fold cat
  7. Slow blinking means…
  8. What is the hair inside the ears for
  9. Raw fish is good for cats
  10. A Bob cat is

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Quiz topic: How well do I know cats
