How well do you know Camila Cabello?

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Hi. This is a quiz to test about how much you know my favorite singer- Camila Cabello! I put mostly easy questions in. Remember- NO CHEATING!!!!!!! ;)

All you need to know about this quiz is that you are NOT allowed to cheat. Camila Cabello is an awesome singer who left her girl group kind of recently. I love her songs!

Created by: Renaye Alison
  1. How old is Camila Cabello? (in 2020)
  2. What was the group that Camila was in?
  3. What Shawn Mendes song did Camila perform in?
  4. What is Camila's full name?
  5. What month was Camila born in?
  6. What is her little sister's name?
  7. What race is Camila?
  8. What song did she sing out of these four?
  9. True or false: Is Camila Cabello vegan?
  10. How old was Camila when she first auditioned for X-factor?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Camila Cabello?
