How well do you know BikerMama aka Kari

How well do you know Kari? This is a short quiz just to see how well you do. I've put in 15 questions and it's taken me quite a while to come up with anything. It could be because I'm so tired.

Now, I think I've come up with some pretty decent questions. Some fairly easy, others will take some thought. Be sure to let me know afterwards how well you did. Good night and good luck.

Created by: mikesgirl
  1. How many children do I have?
  2. How many children do I have?
  3. Why did we have to bottle feed our calf this past summer?
  4. What make and model is my motorcycle?
  5. What's my favorite line from my favorite movie?
  6. Who will be my children's next Daddy?
  7. How long did my sister and I go without speaking?
  8. What did I do before becoming a SAHM?
  9. Who do I know that is serving in Iraq?
  10. How many times have I been married?
  11. What is my favorite alcoholic drink?
  12. Where did my sister and I take our kids this year on vacation?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know BikerMama aka Kari