How Well Do You Know Bee Swarm Simulator [Roblox]

Welcome to my quiz, this quiz is a quiz about the Roblox game; bee swarm simulator! Test your knowledge about the game. Please do comment how much you got cause I'm curios ;-]

Hi, I am DYLANNNN and I really enjoy creating quizzes if. If you have any suggestions for quizzes comment the idea and I'll make it as soon as possible.

Created by: DYLANNN
  1. What is the most powerful mob in game that was in the game at 7/11?
  2. What is most expensive item in ticket tent?
  3. What item can change a bees type?
  4. What is the only way of getting star jellies?
  5. Which one is a code?
  6. True or false, there is a king beetle amulet.
  7. What is photons bees main ability?
  8. How expensive is tabby bee?
  9. What is the name of the most common bee?
  10. Which is not a feature in the game?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Bee Swarm Simulator [Roblox]
