How Well Do You Know Batman?

There are very few people who devote this much time into studying Batman, are you one of them? Do you have what is takes to pass? Take this quiz and find out.

Do YOU know Batman? Like really know him? Do you spend all of your time googling how many robins there were? Well finally it's come to some use. Take this quiz and find out how much you really know about Batman?

Created by: Jaye
  1. What is Batman's true identity?
  2. What was Batman's first robin's true identity?
  3. What is Batman's butler's name?
  4. Who were Batman's parents?
  5. What villian in the Batman comics kills with toxic gas?
  6. Who has helped Batman since the beginning of his crusade?
  7. Who has Batman never fought?
  8. What is the Penguin's real name?
  9. Does Batman ever have kids?
  10. Batman gets killed by a man named Thorne.

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Batman?