how well do you know animals

i created this quiz so young pupils can lean and love the animal world like i do and descover weird and wacky creatures in there journey to sucses!!!

i think i know about animals more than anyone else i know because and love the sooooo much and i cant bare to see them hurt or injured it burns my heart inside

Created by: amazon
  1. which one of these is a amphibian?
  2. what animal is the fastest animal in the world ?
  3. which of these is not a mammal?
  4. what is the biggest animal in the world ?
  5. what is a insect?
  6. where will you not find a dog?
  7. how many species of dog are there?
  8. which of these is a big cat?
  9. which one of these is a famous dog?
  10. which one of these is a rodent?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know animals