How well do you know Alfie Deyes? (Pointless Blog)

Alfie Deyes is a one and only! Many haters and many LOVERS!!! A true Alfan knows everything about Alfie Deyes. Many people who love his videos don't know much about him...

Do you think you are a true Alfan? If so, this quiz could be for you! I hope you will do well, I believe in you! You will soon find out with this quiz.

Created by: zzzzzz6
  1. Who is Alfie Deyes' girlfriend(s)?
  2. What is Alfie's favourite colour?
  3. What dog has Alfie Deyes got?
  4. What colour was Alfie's bedroom walls when he was a kid?
  5. What was the name of Alfie's old pet snake?
  6. When Alfie was a toddler, what was his job ambition? (what he wanted to be when he grew up)
  7. What is the name of Alfie's first book?
  8. Who does Alfie secretly love, who isn't Zoella?
  9. How many subscribers did Alfie have on the 29/06/2015?
  10. Goodbye!

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Alfie Deyes? (Pointless Blog)