How well do you blink?

There are many Blink-182 lovers,but few are Real fans.Basically, what im trying to find out is how many people will actually have fun taking this blink 182 quiz. Have fun! and maybe you learn more as you quiz.

So are you a fan or just whatever? Take this quiz and find out! Later you can take the AAR quiz and see which band suits you better. Either way, find out how well you blink! [sounds funny]

Created by: Katherine
  1. What are the names of each Blink 182 member?
  2. How many Albums does Blink 182 have to date?
  3. Which album has these songs on it? Voyeur, Pathetic, & Josie
  4. How many members have tattoo's?
  5. What is there first video called?
  6. What is the name of there newest album?
  7. What is Tom DeLonge middle name?
  8. On what song are these lyrics found? "I think it's disgusting, believing and trusting If I gave a f--- there would be nothing for me to prove Although it's amusing, it's slightly confusing"
  9. "I laughed the loudest who'd have known? I trace the cord back to the wall no wonder it was never plugged in at all I took my time, I hurried up the choice was mine I didn't think enough" is....
  10. what's the 1st song on enema of the state?

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Quiz topic: How well do I blink?