How well do u know Percy Jackson?

Many people know Percy Jackson and the Olympians now beacause of the movie.But few people have actually read the book.So give this your best shot.Lets see if you are worthy of Camp Half-Blood.

So,start trying now!!!!!!!!Find out wether you have read the book TRULY.If you have read the book,at least score 50-100 please.I created this beacause I am a great fan.Take this and don't let us down.;-)

Created by: Rosanna

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is the director of Camp Half-Blood?
  2. What does nectar taste like to Percy?
  3. Who is the spy at Camp Half-Blood in book 5?
  4. Who leads the quest into the Labyrinth in book 4?
  5. Which goddess is kidnapped in book 3?
  6. What is the mortal name for th Sea of Monsters?
  7. Who is Percy's half-brother?
  8. What is Annabeth's fatal flaw?
  9. Who is Percy's biggest what-if?
  10. Who is the Oracle's next mortal host?

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