How weird are you?

You will find out in this quiz wether you are weird or cool in this quiz so dont thake it offensivly if you are dumb just try to brighten up a bit, ok?

Are you weird or not im an expert. can you wait... i will tell you if you are cool or weird dont take it offensivly if your weird ok what are you, you will find out in a minute

Created by: anonymous

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you spend break times in the science lab doing experiments and stuff?
  2. Do you do weird things like eat grass or suck picture frames, or anything like that?
  3. What is your favourite colour?
  4. Are you american?
  5. Where would you rate yourself in popularity in school, 80-100% being the most popular
  6. Do you like people like you, or do you see someone different and like them?
  7. Do you like mince meat pie? beef not bacon or ham
  8. Whould you rather
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Do you like to gaze at cows for a long time?

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Quiz topic: How weird am I?