How Vietnamese Are you?

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This quiz is about learning if you are truely Vietnamese if you are you should take this quiz but if you dont know you really need to take this quiz so good luck.

Also you can learn stuff from it like Vietnamese food that you can try and you can very much prove if you are the country that eats some special things.

Created by: Alex Nguyen
  1. In the past month how many Pho have you eaten?
  2. Which one would you eat first?
  3. Does anyone's last name is Nguyen?
  4. How frequently do you meet/Face Time your family members that is in Vietnam?
  5. If you had to only pick one to do what would you do?
  6. If you could only choose to save only one what will you save?
  7. What is your percentage of using chopsticks.
  8. Do you sing karaoke when there is a party?
  9. What is your age?
  10. Do you know what banh xeo is made of?

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Quiz topic: How Vietnamese am I?
