How Unwanted Are You?

Maybe you took this too seriously. But don't, the quiz is fake and not real. So don't make it seem personal. Bye. I hope your aren't offended. :) it's my first test.

Wee... Take this quiz it's cool, it's new its tottaly rad. Its sweet so take it and you'll be amazed and hope you're happy with what you got. Unwanted, or wanted but you know dis quiz is fake so don't be sad.

Created by: Antonio
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do people give you the mean eye when you walk past them?
  2. Do people talk meanly about you?
  3. Do people always call you stupid?
  4. Do you hang by yourself at recess?
  5. Do you sit by yourself at lunch?
  6. Do you find signs on your back everday?
  7. Do you get beat up everyday?
  8. Are you mad about taking this quiz?
  9. Do you think this quiz is stupid?
  10. If I told you I was rich and sexy would you marry me? (I'm a boy).

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Quiz topic: How Unwanted am I?