How truly mexican are you?

There are lots of different type of people, there are snobby Europeans, patriotic Americans, smart Asians, and then there are the Mexicans. Mexicans usually are very popular with everyone else. So, do you have a Mexican personality?

So are you really Mexican? Or are you just straight up insane? Or even neither? Do you need to take a trip to Mexico to find your inner Mexican? Or is your inner Mexican shown even in your sleep? Take this quiz to find out.

Created by: Zarina

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. *burps loudly*
  2. How many times have you/did you hide on the school bus from the migra?
  3. Are you loud and outgoing?
  4. When one of your friends gets in a fight you...
  5. Are you tan?
  6. Do you like to play soccer?
  7. Have you ever had caviar?
  8. Do you watch Novelas?
  9. *Offers tamale*
  10. Turd. So Un Ex Pec Ted

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Quiz topic: How truly mexican am I?