How thin/fat do you want to be? (UPDATE)

Some people don't like their weight. There are thin people who want to be fat, and fat people who want to be thin. But what would you like to be? Play this quiz to find out!

This is the update of my previous quiz, How thin/fat do you want to be? I have greatly changed it, so, if you've come back to it, I thank you! Do try out this update!

Created by: yoshidude123
  1. What do you think about your weight?
  2. How much do you like food?
  3. What about fat? How much do you like fat?
  4. [The next few questions are based on how you would feel if you were fat.] Would you be able to handle the negative comments on your fat?
  5. Would you mind not being able to fit in some things, like chairs and photo booths?
  6. What about the 'difficulty' in finding clothes? Would you mind that?
  7. [The next few questions are roleplay-based.] One day, you wake up. You feel heavier than the night before. You step on the scales, and find that you have gained 25lbs/11kg! How do you feel?
  8. You go to an all-you-can-eat buffet. What size plate do you get?
  9. You meet up with your best friend, who has noticed the change in weight. He/she is not sure what to think. What do you tell them?
  10. You've finally gained 100lbs/45kg! How do you feel?
  11. You have the opportunity to get free money! The catch is this: for every £/$100 you get, you have to gain 5lbs. How much do you take? (You start at 120lbs/54.5kg)
  12. You are in a chamber. For every second you are in there, you gain 1lb/450g. How long do you stay in there? (You start at 120lbs/54.5kg)
  13. If you could gain/lose as much weight as possible while having perfect mobility, what BMI would you be at?
  14. Final stretch! You have the perfect body. What do you look like?
  15. You're all done! How did you like this quiz? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: How thin/fat do I want to be? (UPDATE)
