How Smart R U? Or How Dumb R U?

there are many smart people in this world, but for picking this quiz, your not one of them. anyway you should still take the quiz to see hoe smart you are.

I would advice you to past the test because there are some pretty harsh thing to say if you dont, so be a SMARTALIC and do your best.......... SIKE

Created by: jamila of
(your link here more info)
  1. if 12 people are sitting in a tree, 2 fall off and 3 get back on the tree. How many people are in the tree know?
  2. there are 25 people in a class room. 10 left early, 1 got sick and went home, and then 2 came late. how many people are there know
  3. if bryan goes to sleep at 7:00p.m, and 9hours later he wakes up. at what time did he wake up.
  4. tom goes to the store for his mother, she told him to get butter, milk ,eggs. he went to the store and came back. he brong back milk and eggs. So what did tom forget to get.
  5. since your supposed to be 10 in the fifth grade, how old is javon if hes in the 7th grade.
  6. what is rihanna's real name?
  7. what channel is B.E.T on?
  8. who's favorite line is this to say "THATS HOT"
  9. who's the first black male to run for president?
  10. who song the song "lollipop"

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