How smart are you really?

There are many smart people,but true few geniuses! You are a genius for your mind,point of view on the world and your personal interests. Well,what are you waiting for?

Take the quiz! In a few short minutes you'll find the answers to all have a brain fart! Well,if your wouldn't be like me,heh heh.

Created by: melodylua
  1. What's one plus one,(we'll start out simple)
  2. Do you read Harry Potter?
  3. What's your best subject?
  4. What TV series do you watch?
  5. What sports do you play?
  6. You're opinion on youtube
  7. Are you bilingual
  8. Have you ever been Expelled or Suspended from school?
  9. Do you like Justin Bieber
  10. What was/is your school stat

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Quiz topic: How smart am I really?