how smart are you

many people wonder how smart they are. they take tests, they compare themselves to other people, they average their gpa. but there is only one way to do this,and that is to take this test. i will use a combinatuion of math your backround info and a bunch of other random stuff to figure out how retarted you actually are

now that you have started this quiz you are trapped and will never be able to live life untill you have finished taking this quiz. i went through all this trouble to make this quis so now you will be forced to finish this quiz see how smart you are and then go get me a chocolate bar Bwahahaha

Created by: zachary martinez
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite color
  2. what is your gpa
  3. what does your mom do for a living
  4. what does your dad do for a living
  5. 12345
  6. hahahaha you got the last question wrong
  7. do you think this quiz is awesome
  8. what is 666666666666+444444444444
  9. okay the quiz is almost over are you ready ro fthe final question
  10. what time were you born

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Quiz topic: How smart am I