How similar are you to me?

so basically this is a quiz where you see how similar you are to me. keep in mind that some of these answers are negative and while the "NOPE" option you get if you get none of these similar to me is very aggressive, this is just a joke. i dont hate on anyone.

so please dont hate on me pooks! this is all just for giggles so dont take it too seriously chances are we will never meet each other in real life so it doesnt matter does it!

Created by: sophia_th3_first
  1. Whats your opinion on taylor swift?
  2. who's your favorite sanrio character?
  3. whats your opinion on gypsy rose?
  4. what is the best game out of these options:
  5. whats your opinion on danny gonzalez
  6. what about sssiperwolf?
  7. uhh im running out of ideas... whats ur favorite color??
  8. favorite animal?
  9. uhh only 2 more questions left... how about.... whats your favorite shape??
  10. omg one more question!!! ummm.... whats ur favorite season??

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Quiz topic: How similar am I to me?
