How Russian Are You?

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Before you is a test that will test you to see how Russian you are. This test is very simple and only asks you 15 questions. Questions aren't meant to offend but if they do I apologise, it was only meant to be fun.

Are you a true Russian? Do you have the Slavpower to take this test? Most people try but can't comprehend with the amount of Slavness that this test has. In 15 short questions we will see how Russian you are. Let us begin!!

Created by: Bobby Jackson
  1. Do you have a natural attraction to Adidas?
  2. Do you say things like "Cyka Blyat" "Idi Nahui" or "Yobany Urod Blyat?"
  3. Do you prefer to squat instead of sitting or standing?
  4. Is hardbass your favorite music?
  5. Do you drink vodka like most people drink water?
  6. Do you wear an Ushanka and Adidas tracksuit even when it's 100° outside?
  7. Do you enjoy making and eating Russian foods like Shashlik, Kompot, Kvass, and Blin?
  8. Have you ever made Instant Noodles in a coffee maker?
  9. Have you ever used an AK47 for daily tasks like brushing your teeth, or waking up your neighbor/family
  10. Do you always bring a Dragunov or some kind of Soviet rifle with you whenever you go someplace?
  11. Have you ever thought about building a tank in your garage?
  12. Have you ever wanted to put tracks on your car?
  13. Have you ever tried to ride a bear because you were drunk?

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Quiz topic: How Russian am I?