how random are you?

being random is not just about being random... its not about you bieng randomer... its actaully about you being the randomest!!! well of course... i already am the randomest!!! hahaha!!!

are you random? well maybe you should find out by taking this super dee duper cool awsome terrific fantastic and exellent test which is better than your test!

Created by: randomguy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. are you random?
  2. out of a rating from 1 to ten, how random would you say you are?
  3. when you think of the word "random" what is the first thing that pops up in your mind?
  4. if someone calls you random... what will you say back?
  5. do you want to be random?
  6. random random random
  7. what does the word random mean?
  8. do you like the word random?
  9. how do you spell random?
  10. after taking this test... how random are you now?

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Quiz topic: How random am I?